Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have spent the last few days in Toronto.  Being my first real encounter with the city, I came here with all of the preconceived notions that West coasters have about Toronto.  Vancouverites seem to either love it or hate it here, and to be very honest hate is usually the first word that comes out people’s mouths when talking about Toronto.  I guess because of this, I thought my feelings might be less than warm and fuzzy towards the city that is famous for being less than warm and fuzzy.  On the contrary, my last few days have been wonderful.  Mind you I am on vacation, and everything seems better when you are on vacation, but still, my days here have been spent with the most lovely of company doing the most lovely of things.  How could I be less than content with 3 days filled with old friends, new friends, great food, good wine, art, subway adventures, solo midnight strolls, sleep, picture taking, couch time, my love, coffee and snow.... oh how I love the snow!

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