Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I spent a month this summer working and living on an organic farm outside of Nelson.  Yeah you can call me a hippie, that's cool, I do it all the time.

  I could go on for days about the magical month that I spent on the farm, but right here, right now, I won't.  What I will say is that one of my favorite parts of the day was always the food.  Oh the food! and how wonderful it was.  There is something so wonderful about eating a meal that is grown, harvested and prepared by the community in which you are a part of at that moment in time.

It became common practice during the last part of the day for every one who worked on the farm to eat something sweet and commemorate what it was during the day that was the "sweetest" part.  Again, call me a hippie, I don't care.  In a way The Love Conspiracy is my own personal version of this practice.

Today the sweetest part wasn't just a moment, but an entire afternoon.  I had a homework, music listening, life pondering date with a new friend.  We existed as wonderfully in silence, as we did while discussing the new Fruit Bats, album.  It was lovely.  http://www.myspace.com/thefruitbats

Today my button is to commemorate the sweetness in the subtle moment, the silence, and what happens in between it.

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