More Basia Gushing.
During her show last night in Kitsilano a great number of Basia Bulat's songs were played on the harp, and a choice few incorporated hand clapping. As an musician, you usual have me when utilizing any or all of the following into your music: snapping, one note piano solos, singing in chorus, "lalala's" but especially clapping.
Basia had my heart when she both played the harp and clapped her hands. It was all just so old fashioned, and from the heart. It made me want to work with my hands again. To create, make, and explore material in a non digital, non computer, good old fashioned way.
Technology has become a big part of me in the past few years. Begrudgingly I have accepted this fact by doing my best to integrate it into my life in moderation. That said, finding that balance isn't always easy. Basia was a wonderful reminder of how important it is to me to use my hands to create things which do not include a key board or wacom tablet.
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