Saturday, September 26, 2009


Film + Me = LOVE

It is a mathematical certainty that I have a love for film.

I make movies, or rather I am part of the creative process in which the end result is a film.  The bizarreness of this subculture in Vancouver know as the Film Industry has held me captive for the last 5 years.  The process, the medium, and the people who make any particular film all combine to create a storytelling circus.  A constantly changing, ever challenging, growing more and more complex with every scene shot, kind of circus.  I love it.

This afternoon I watched Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums while lying in a patch of sun on my living room floor.  I want to make movies with him one day.      

Tonight the Night Vision Outdoor Photography Exhibition in Stathcona will be one of the stops that make up my Saturday night.  Another kind of film, another way to look at the world, another way to tell stories.  All while drinking beer in a park.....perfection.


Anonymous said...

The Royal Tenenbaums made me cry and laugh at the same time. A brilliant film. I hope to see you work with Wes Anderson someday...on something I wrote. ;)

Ed Araquel said...

Check out HBO's new series Bored to Death starring Jason Schwartzman. I think it's very Wes Anderson-esque. :)

Anonymous said...

erin is love..i'm proud of you!

little federline